
Sex-segregated housing may not be the best option for some students. 为了满足这种需求, the Department of 居住生活和住房 offers the option of gender-inclusive housing.

Each student’s needs are different; therefore, requests are reviewed on a case-by case basis. These options will help provide students with living spaces that create a comfortable 和 safe living environment. Gender-inclusive housing options are not available for romantic couples, regardless of gender.


Option 1: Gender Inclusive Community

Students can select this specialized community option on their Personalize Your Experience form. Students who participate in this community will have the opportunity to select a room with a roommate who is not of the same legal 性. Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) spaces have been identified in a variety of buildings on campus in which the room or apartment spaces offer a private bathroom. Students who participate in this community must also sign the gender inclusive housing agreement.

选项2:联系 reslife@uakon.edu 确定你的房间需求

Requests for gender-inclusive housing outside of the Gender Inclusive Community must be approved by the Department of 居住生活和住房, 和 is dependent on availability These options may include, 但不限于:

  • Mixed-gender suites (male, female, gender non-conforming, transgender, etc.)和公寓.
  • A single room on the floor of the student’s 性别认同/expression, but not the student’s legal 性 (available only where a single-stall bathroom exists).
  • Roommates of the opposite legal 性 but same 性别认同/expression on a floor of their 性别认同/expression where a single-stall bathroom exists.
  • Roommates of different legal 性es with a private bathroom.
  • A single room on the floor of the student’s legal 性, if a private bathroom exists.

There are various costs associated with some of these options. Options that include roommates/suitemates/apartment-mates require agreement from all parties to proceed.

Staff will not ask for any more information than is required to meet the student’s housing needs, 和, to the extent permitted by law, all disclosed information regarding a student’s 性别认同 will be kept strictly confidential. In order to provide support for the needs of current 和 incoming students for whom 性-segregated housing may not be the best option, 请发邮件至reslife@manufacturedconsensus.net as early in the process as possible so we may offer the widest range of housing options.

Option 3: Select a room without contacting reslife@manufacturedconsensus.net 表达特定的需要.

Room options that do not require involvement from our office include, 但不限于:

  • Roommates of the same legal 性, but different gender expressions, in any building.


皇冠足球即时比分 does not tolerate any form of discrimination, including but not limited to discrimination in student housing assignments. 具体地说, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 年龄, 国家或民族出身, 残疾, 军事地位, 遗传信息, 或者退伍军人的身份. 皇冠足球即时比分 will continue to ensure that all students, including all LGBTQ+ students, 能够活下去, 学习, 和 thrive in a safe 和 welcoming environment.

Definitions to guide you through this document:

The term “gender expression” refers to all of a person’s external characteristics 和 behaviors, 比如衣服, 梳理, 言谈举止, speech patterns 和 social interactions that are socially identified with a particular gender. Social or cultural norms can vary widely 和 some characteristics that may be accepted as masculine, 女性化的, or neutral in one culture may not be assessed similarly in another culture. A person’s gender expression may also be referred to as one’s “gender presentation” or “performed gender.”

Everyone has a 性别认同 和 everyone expresses a 性别认同. 性别认同这个词, which is distinct from the term 性取向, 或吸引, refers to a person’s deeply felt psychological sense of gender, 换句话说, 一个人本质上是谁. A person's 性别认同 may or may not correspond to one’s body, assigned biological 性 at birth, 或者性别表达. 性别认同 can be seen on a spectrum, 和 does not necessarily apply to the gender binary of male/female.

The biologically-based presumption that reproductive capability determines a person’s label of female or male. Sex is defined by physical aspects that include chromosomes, hormones, 和 genitalia. This category is usually based on a visual assessment of a baby’s genitalia at birth. The University Registrar currently relies on a student’s legal 性 for purposes of identification.